
World of warships will missouri return
World of warships will missouri return

Still a huge amount of players (or village idiots) will do this.Īnd that is why WG can keep on shafting their playerbase. Yes, same as like 7-8 triple A titels on PC! Really worth it for a meeh ship that only has a historical value in this game, nothing else. They're only useful inasmuch as you can get some value out of your unsuccessful tries. However, at first blush these appear way over-priced for tier and it would be cheaper to buy a desired ship at the appropriate tier directly. One mitigating factor, if this turns out to be true, is that if you DO go digging, you can use the tokens you pull along the way to obtain premium ships. This is common sense, and people shouldn't have to be told. If you aren't shown the contents of the first bundle, stay away unless you're willing to whale gloriously and not complain about the cost. Work your way through the mission to unlock her in the shop and buy her directly if you really must have her and you can afford it.

world of warships will missouri return world of warships will missouri return

Otherwise, don't go digging unless you're prepared to drop that much on pixels and you want to farm the flags and camos. My call on this is the same as for the Mogador, Minnesota and de-Witt chains - If you can see the first bundle before you buy and Missouri is first up, get it (especially since this is a T9 premium rather than a tech-tree ship). I'd not be surprised if this was true, but apparently shonai_ on Discord is saying this is fake.

World of warships will missouri return